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Boosted Farming Clean Waters & Land

Biochar for Hawai'i

Biochar is an environmentally beneficial carbon-based soil amendment that has been utilized by indigenous groups to promote healthy soils and crops. Many farmers using biochar can boost near-term yield horizon by +15% first year and up to +25% in the following years. 

We are working in Hawai’i with the Natural Conservation Service and Extension Agents of UofH so that Hawaiian farmers can benefit from the Federal USDA Program 336.

Soil Carbon Amendment (808/336)

Yummet will be there to help support eligible farmers in the Code 336 process to qualify for funding to install biochar to improve soil health.

808 – Interim standard adopted by ~22 states
336 – The United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved and went live on November 1, 2022.

States Currently Using ICPS 808:

▪ Arkansas
▪ California
▪ Caribbean Area
▪ Colorado
▪ Delaware
▪ Idaho
▪ Illinois
▪ Indiana

▪ Massachusetts
▪ Maryland
▪ Maine
▪ Montana
▪ Michigan
▪ Nebraska
▪ New Hampshire
▪ New Jersey

▪ New York
▪ Oregon
▪ Hawaii/Pacific Islands
▪ Texas
▪ Utah
▪ Vermont

How Customers Are Reimbursed

The United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved Program 336 which went live on November 1, 2022.  A budget of approximately $20 Billion has been set aside to reimburse approved applications of biochar for the next 5 years (2023-2028).

This means the USDA will reimburse participants for applying biochar to their lands for approved uses.

The landowners or farmers who found biochar to be cost-prohibitive are now able to utilize this material and take advantage of it’s many benefits. 

Application and Evaluation

In order to qualify for reimbursement through USDA, there’s a checklist of items that need to be completed. We can help you with the process by providing guidance and implementing a payment reimbursement plan. 

Example checklist items:

  • Participants complete Conservation Practices based on implementation requirements.
  • Local NRCS staff verify implementation.
  • Payment amount is based on: Payment schedule rate x amount implemented.
  • Additional biochar treatments may be
  • necessary based on a post-treatment evaluation of resource concerns.

Payment Schedules

  • Flat-rate payments are made to participants based on the amount planned and implemented.
    e.g. cubic yards of biochar applied to the soil
  • Based on real-world costs for materials and labor.
  • National payment rates; are adjusted regionally.
    • Payment rates are updated/set once per fiscal year.
    • Revised cost data is always welcome.


For more information about the USDA programs, Biochar, or about Yummet Earth Solutions, please contact us directly. 

Contact Us

If you would like more information about USDA programs or would like to learn more about Biochar, please contact us. 

Vast Benefits

Yummet Earth Solutions provides high quality biochar for Hawaiian farmers, businesses, and communities.

Contact us to learn more about how biochar can help you, and discover if you are eligible for the reimbursement program.